Inclusive Futures Foundation is not a religious organisation – we don’t promote or privilege any particular religious tradition. But we do understand that religion really matters to people’s everyday lives and influences their perspectives.

We also suggest that religion is a really good motivation for people to get involved in public life. We need leaders who are inspired by and anchored in their values of public service and commitment to others, and what better value systems to rely upon can there be other than the religious traditions which have guided us for hundreds, even thousands of years.

In this short briefing note, our President Dr Juhi Gupta and UK Head Dr Andrew Davies argue:

The reach, significance and potential influence of global faith communities is vastly underestimated, yet they take their religious and social obligations incredibly seriously, and they are committed public actors. If we can bring them into the quest for climate justice and sustainable living, everyone benefits.

You can download and read their full briefing here.